Legal notice
Site Edition
The present website is owned by the company The Drafts, registered in Belgium with the "Banque-Carrefour des Entreprises" (BCE) under enterprise number 0801.290.472. The registered office is located at 18 Quai Sainte Anne, 4130 Esneux.
Publication Director
Marie Franck
For any questions or inquiries regarding the website, please contact us via email at the following address:
Website Host
The website is hosted by Shopify Inc., a Canadian company listed on TSX and NYSE, with headquarters located at the following address:
151 O'Connor Street
Ground floor
Ottawa, Ontario K2P 2L8
Contact : – 1-613-241-2828
Propriété intellectuelle
All elements present on The Drafts website, such as photographs, texts, illustrations, animated or non-animated images, sounds, video sequences, are protected by intellectual property laws. These elements remain the exclusive property of The Drafts, except for trademarks, logos, sounds, or other content and elements belonging to partner companies or authors. Any reproduction, representation, use, or adaptation, in any form, of all or part of these elements without the prior written consent of The Drafts, is strictly prohibited. Non-compliance with this prohibition may result in legal action in accordance with current legal provisions. Furthermore, The Drafts reserves the right to initiate legal proceedings upon becoming aware of any unauthorized use of its elements.
Every piece tells a story
I am passionate about providing a unique way for you to express your feelings and create timeless keepsakes